Sharing only promotional content
I have seen companies sharing only and only promotional content all the time. While sharing promotional content is fine but not sharing any content with data, insights and learnings adds no value to the user.

Not sharing content and insights on other platforms
We should not expect every user to come to our blog to consume our content. The content of our blog should be shared and promoted on other relevant platforms as well.

Being too technical (not simplifying things)
There is tons of information for users to consume and companies develop a lot of technical content to show themselves as a super expert and authority of the subject but in order to do so, they make their content technical which users find difficult to grasp easily.

Not using enough images, graphs and videos
Gone are the days of text-only content. In the multimedia era, images and videos speak better and louder than text. Companies do not use enough images and videos for presenting their content.

Forgetting SEO
Companies while building SEO forget the importance of SEO and that a little bit of effort into SEO can bring them consistent traffic throughout the year.

Not asking users to subscribe, share and engage
Companies invest in building the content but do not request their users to share the content. There is no harm in asking for a little bit of help. If a user shares the content, it has a lot more value for the other users as it proves to be a validated and valuable piece of content.