Skippable in-stream ads are a type of video advertisement that plays before, during, or after a video that a user is watching on a digital platform such as YouTube.
These ads are typically skippable after a certain period, usually after the first five seconds.
Use this Format when you have Video Content you would like to Promote before other videos on YouTube and Across the Display Network.
Your Video Plays before, During, or After other videos, or After 5 Seconds the Viewer has the Option to Skip the Ad.
Skippable In-Stream video Ads Can Appear on YouTube Watch Pages, on videos on Partner Sites, and on Apps in the Display Network.
With CPV bidding you Pay when a Viewer Watches 30 Seconds of your Video (or the Duration if it's Short than 30 Seconds) or Interacts with Your video, Whichever Comes First.
1. Leads 2. Website Traffic 3. Brand Awareness and Reach 4. Product and Brand Consideration 5. Campaign Created without a Goal.