For an employee, the question about his or her future in the respective organization remains always a concern.
Whether he or she would be able to climb the ladder of success in that organization and mark his or her place among the pantheon of decision-makers for the firm.
However, on the other hand, an organization incessantly tries to establish its authority and brand value in the market by working as a group within its structures.
It tries to build such a conducive environment for work, where its flawless business strategies meet its desired end alongside the backbone of the organization! its employees, who feel their hard work will reap rewards for them.
But, the pivotal thing to keep in mind is, that opportunities don’t always come knocking at your door, sometimes you need to be active rather than passive by bringing change in your attitude and beliefs.
As the change will help you in creating your own identity and personality within the organization and make you more visible in that structure.
Because to look different from the crowd you require a certain edge and that edge could be your skills, personality, communication, perception, and so on in the organization.
Now, coming on to the question of how you can grow in your organization, well the answer is neither simple nor complex, rather it’s about the process.
You need to follow the process because it will not only give you a streamlined direction but benefit you to enhance your personality as well.
1. Work Closely with the Stakeholders

It’s important to understand that stakeholders in an organization consist of those people without which the organization couldn’t run.
It mostly consists of the board members, managers, and employees. Well, in this blog our major focus is on the last stakeholders, the employees.
Employees need to comprehend themselves as an integral part of the structure in which they are working, rather than giving the onus to the managers and CEOs. Significantly, they consider the organization as their family.
It’s not necessary that once a task is assigned to you and after its completion, your job is done, NO! You have to be always in touch with your bosses, and try to present your vision to them regarding the organization.
Your involvement will show not only your worth but your passion, that how much the organization means to you.
Never, do your job keeping your hands on the clock in your mind, try to communicate with your peers or colleagues and work on establishing an effective business strategy for the organization.
And, then present it to your managers, it would work wonders for your personality and will make the stakeholders realize your potential and dedication.
2. Never Shy from Contributing

Once you become an active agent in your organization, it’s time to up your game. Try to decode the basics of your organization, by understanding it.
Dive deep into the organization’s workings, dealings, money generation, balance sheets, and so on. Once you have understood every nook and cranny of your firm, know it’s time to start contributing.
You need to work in an organization as YOUR OWN BOSS! No need to remain in the shadows, be a determined employee, as you become aware of the processes happening in your organization, try to identify problems that are hindering its growth.
And, look for solutions to eliminate those hindrances, this process of problem identification and finding solutions will keep you in a phase of contribution and the stakeholders will look upon you as an employee with solutions rather than a mere and ordinary employee.
3. Impeccable Planning

As said by Alan Lakein, “Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.” It perfectly fits an employee as every decision needs to be a planned decision.
Planning is not only your contingency strategy but your strategy to reach at zenith as well.
As, it helps you to focus your ideas and present them in a form of a decisive, viable, and profitable strategy to the stakeholders for the sole purpose of the success of the organization.
However, planning is not only limited to your growth strategies for the company rather it’s crucial for your self-development as well.
Because, planning will help you to instil discipline and a proper routine in your personality, as you will not be wandering at every step of your life.
Rather you would be having an iron-clad strategy to deal with opportunities and difficulties through your planning.
As Alan Lakein beautifully puts it, “Failing to plan, is planning to fail.”
4. Mistakes can be Forgiven Once but not Twice

In your quest to grow within an organization, it’s important to learn from your mistakes, as quickly as possible.
Because repeated mistakes will make you fall short of your organization’s trust.
As humans, we all commit mistakes, but how you do not repeat them, in the long run, shows your character and that’s the most appreciated quality which every organization wants from their employees.
Well, you may argue that to show one’s presence one tries new ideas, and in most cases, they fail, so one should repeat mistakes by coming up with new ideas.
The answer is quite interesting, new ideas need to be assessed, evaluated, and then run by stakeholders as it will reduce the chances of committing mistakes and your approach will get much recognition in the firm as well.
5. Discipline is the Key

Any organization considers discipline to be the most required and essential skill in an employee.
Your progress in the organization at most times is evaluated by how disciplined you are. Because, a disciplined employee is determined, dedicated, and diligent in his or her work.
The employee takes his or her work seriously and delivers on time, whatever work he or she is assigned.
Discipline is one’s personality that always remains at the core and plays an important part in shaping your work culture.
As no organization prefers employees who work exceptionally well, but cannot be disciplined rather on their parameters of growth, employee discipline always tops the charts.
6. Ego is your Biggest Enemy
This three-letter word ‘EGO’ can anytime become your biggest enemy, as it develops a sense of arrogance in your attitude and you stop following the proper chain of commands.
You consider yourself to be others and start taking pride in your work which becomes the reason for your downfall in the organization.
You need to understand that the higher the ego, the higher will be the chance stakeholders would abstain from interacting with you.
It’s important to build a certain dignity, composure, and humility in your character which is much appreciated in the work culture as it makes you more approachable than an egoistic employee.
Summing Up!
We hope this step-by-step guide to ‘How to Grow within an Organization’ will help you a lot in your journey to achieve success and increase your chances of attaining respect within an organization.